
Account termination policy

This policy outlines the process for terminating your ViaLink account and handling your associated information.

Account Termination and Data Deletion

To terminate your ViaLink account, you can submit a request through the following methods:

  • Email: Send an email with your registered email address, username, and optional reason for termination to info@via.link

Upon receiving your request, ViaLink will:

  1. Verify the request originated from your registered email address.
  2. Disable your account access, preventing further use of the platform.
  3. Initiate a data deletion process following the outlined schedule:
  • Active User Data: Actively used data like profile details, user-generated content, and platform activity logs (within reason) will be deleted within 30 business days.
  • Log Data: Certain server logs containing user activity data may be retained for a longer period for security and troubleshooting purposes. This data will be anonymized and not be identifiable to individual users.
  • Backup and Recovery: Backups containing user data might be retained for a limited period for disaster recovery. These backups are securely stored and inaccessible without authorization. Once the retention period expires, the backups containing user data will be permanently deleted.

Exceptions and Additional Information

There might be exceptions where user data is not deleted immediately due to legal requirements or unresolved issues related to your account.

For any questions regarding account termination or information handling, please contact ViaLink support through the platform or at info@via.link


ViaLink Account Termination email template

Subject: ViaLink Account Termination Request - [Your Username]
Dear ViaLink Support,
This email is to formally request the termination of my ViaLink account associated with the following information:

Registered Email Address: [Your Registered Email Address]
Username: [Your Username]
(Optional) Briefly explain why you are terminating your account (e.g., No longer using the platform, switching to another service).

Thank you for your time and assistance with this matter.


[Your Name]


Important Notes:

  • Anonymized log data may be retained for security and troubleshooting purposes.
  • Backups containing user data might be retained for a limited period for disaster recovery. These backups are securely stored and inaccessible without authorization. Once the retention period expires, the backups containing user data will be permanently deleted.
  • In some cases, legal requirements or unresolved issues may delay the deletion of your data. We will contact you if this applies to your situation.


The ViaLink Team